31 March 2023

On 28.02.2023, MBAL-Levski EOOD signed a Contract for the provision of grant “CREATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN MBAL-LEVSKI EOOD, BY INTRODUCING INNOVATIVE PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC SERVICES” under the Program “Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups”.

The project is implemented with financial support in the amount of 151957.88 euros, provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of the EEA and NFM.

The main goal of the project is to create employment for unemployed persons from at-risk groups groups – long-term and pre-retirement unemployed, young people, young mothers, single parents, disabled people, incl. representatives of Roma and Turkish minorities registered in DBT-Levski in the newly created project Center for innovative recreational services at the Physical and Rehabilitation Department medicine” of MBAL-Levski EOOD. For its needs, MBAL Levski will hire 7 unemployed persons, in the position of “Health Assistant” and “Nurse Caretaker”, who will pass training to acquire a professional qualification in the profession “Health assistant’ and ‘Nurse’, as well as training in digital competence.

The newly built Center for Innovative Recreational Services will offered patients in the area two types of innovative physiotherapy services:

  • Rehabilitation with virtual reality of patients with impaired motility – with cerebral palsy; with experienced cerebral stroke – mono ichemiparesis; post-traumatic and post-operative and degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system; Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis.


  • Salt therapy (Halotherapy) – is based on antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, absorbent and mucolytic properties of salt – addressed to patients with respiratory, skin, nervous diseases system, for post-covid rehabilitation and to increase immunity.
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